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What types of team-building activities do you offer?

At Team Building with Purpose, we offer a diverse range of activities tailored to different team needs and objectives. Our programmes include activities with shopping challenges, putting charity packs together for people in need such as “Sparkle Packs” for Starlight Children’s Foundation and indoor challenges such as problem-solving games and new skills, such as learning sign-language with CPL. We also provide virtual events for remote teams, ensuring that no matter where your team is located, they can benefit from our team-building expertise. Each activity is designed to foster collaboration, communication, and team spirit.

Can you accommodate large groups?

Yes, we can accommodate groups of all sizes, from small teams to large corporate events. Our programmes are scalable and customisable to ensure every participant is engaged and benefits from the experience. Whether you have a team of 10 or 200, we can design activities that are inclusive and effective. For example, our Beddown Dream Builders project can involve large groups working together to create “Welcome Kits” for Beddown’s guests, creating more comfortable sleeping arrangements for the homeless, and fostering teamwork on a grand scale.

Do you offer virtual and hybrid team-building events?

Yes, we provide a range of virtual and hybrid team-building activities perfect for remote teams. Our events are designed to be interactive and engaging, helping teams build connections despite physical distance. Whether people are sitting alone at home or in an interstate boardroom, we work with you to ensure full team engagement.  These events are facilitated by our experienced team, ensuring smooth execution and maximum participation. Virtual and hybrid team-building is a great way to keep remote teams connected and motivated.

How long do your team-building events typically last?

Our team-building events typically run for either 3 hours in-person or 2 hours online. We can also dovetail our event with a physical activity with a charity partner to make it a full day event. A great example of this is running a Clean Up Australia ‘Change Makers’ session in the morning to educate and set context before engaging in a physical clean up in the afternoon. 

What are the benefits of team-building activities?

Team-building activities offer numerous benefits, including improved communication, enhanced teamwork, boosted morale, and increased productivity. At Team Building with Purpose, we design our programmes to address specific team challenges and goals. For instance, our Farm Angels ‘Rainmakers’ programme not only helps teams collaborate on meaningful projects but also fosters a sense of purpose and community service by creating food hampers for farmers who are struggling to put food on their own tables. These activities help break down silos, build trust, and create a more cohesive and motivated team.

Can you customise team-building activities for our specific needs?

Absolutely. We work closely with you to tailor activities that align with your goals and team dynamics. Whether you’re looking to improve communication, foster creativity, or boost morale, we can design a programme that meets your specific requirements. For example, our Raise Foundation “Mighty Mentors” programme can be customised to include mentoring elements that align with your company’s values and objectives. We ensure each activity is relevant and impactful for your team.

What is the cost of your team-building programmes?

Pricing varies based on the type of activity, duration, and number of participants. At Team Building with Purpose, we strive to provide competitive pricing while delivering high-quality experiences. For a detailed quote, please contact us directly. Our programmes, such as the Women’s Community Shelters ‘Allies in Action’  initiative, offer excellent value by combining team-building with meaningful social impact. We work within your budget to create a memorable and effective team-building experience.

Do you provide team-building activities for non-corporate groups?

Yes, we offer programmes for schools, sports teams, community organisations, and other groups. Our activities are designed to be inclusive and adaptable, ensuring that non-corporate groups can also benefit from our expertise. For example, our Share the Dignity ‘Defenders of Dignity’  programme is perfect for community groups looking to promote inclusion  and teamwork. We understand the unique needs of different groups and tailor our activities accordingly to ensure maximum impact.

Are your team-building activities suitable for all fitness levels?

Yes, our activities are designed to be inclusive and can be adapted to accommodate different fitness levels and abilities. We believe that everyone should be able to participate in and benefit from our programs. Activities like our CPL ‘Champions’  project involves tasks which centre around changing perceptions of people living with disabilities and recognising untapped potential in ourselves and others. These activities can be enjoyed by people with  varying physical capabilities, ensuring that all team members can contribute and feel valued. We prioritise safety and inclusivity in all our events.

What should participants wear to a team-building event?

Comfortable clothing and shoes suitable for the activity and weather conditions are recommended. For outdoor events like the Clean Up Australia Change Makers, we suggest wearing sturdy footwear, sun protection, and layers to adjust to the changing weather. Indoor activities require casual, comfortable attire that allows freedom of movement. We provide detailed guidelines before each event to ensure participants are well-prepared and can fully enjoy the experience without any discomfort.

How do you ensure the safety of participants during activities?

Safety is our top priority at Team Building with Purpose. We conduct thorough risk assessments for each activity and have trained staff to supervise all events. Our facilitators are experienced in managing groups and ensuring that safety protocols are followed. For activities like Habitat for Humanity ‘Tomorrow Builders’, we provide safety briefings and necessary equipment to ensure participants are protected. We are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

Can you provide team-building activities at our office or preferred location?

Yes, we can organise on-site team-building events at your chosen location. Whether it’s your office, a conference centre, or an outdoor venue, we bring the activities to you. Our flexible approach allows us to set up engaging and impactful team-building experiences in various environments. For example, our Beddown “Dream Builders” project can be adapted to different locations, allowing your team to engage in meaningful work while staying in a familiar setting.

Do you offer team-building programmes for remote teams?

Yes, we have a variety of virtual team-building options designed specifically for remote teams. These programmes are interactive and aim to foster a sense of connection and collaboration among team members who may be working from different locations. Activities such as online workshops, and digital team challenges are popular choices. Our experienced facilitators ensure that these virtual events run smoothly and are just as engaging as in-person activities.

How far in advance do we need to book a team-building event?

We recommend booking at least a few weeks in advance to ensure availability and adequate planning time. For larger events or highly customised programmes, such as our Redkite ‘Family Champions’ project, earlier booking is advisable. This allows us to tailor the activities to your specific needs and ensure all logistical arrangements are in place. However, we understand that sometimes plans change, and we will do our best to accommodate last-minute bookings when possible.

Can team-building activities be used for training purposes?

Yes, our activities can be integrated with training programmes to reinforce learning and development. For instance, our Habitat for Humanity ‘Tomorrow Builders’ initiative can be designed to include training elements focused on collaboration, leadership, and problem-solving. By combining team-building with training, participants can apply new skills in a practical setting, enhancing retention and effectiveness. We work with you to ensure that the activities align with your training objectives and provide measurable outcomes.

What is the maximum number of participants you can handle?

We can accommodate groups of up to several hundred participants, depending on the activity and location. Our scalable programmes, such as the Women’s Community Shelters ‘Allies in Action’‘, are designed to engage large groups effectively. We have the resources and experience to manage big events, ensuring that all participants are involved and the objectives are met.

Do you provide any follow-up after the team-building event?

Yes, we offer debriefing sessions and feedback reports to help you assess the impact of the activities. After an event, such as the Te-Kworo ‘Community Restorers’ programme, our facilitators lead discussions to reflect on the experiences and key learnings. We also provide detailed reports that highlight participant feedback, outcomes achieved, and recommendations for future team-building initiatives. This follow-up ensures that the benefits of the activities are long-lasting and contribute to ongoing team development.

Are your team-building activities environmentally friendly?

We strive to minimise our environmental impact and incorporate sustainable practices into our events. Programmes like the Clean Up Australia ‘Change Makers’ not only promote environmental stewardship but also engage participants in meaningful conservation efforts. We use eco-friendly materials, reduce waste, and encourage participants to adopt sustainable practices. Our commitment to the environment is reflected in all our activities, ensuring that team-building with us also contributes to a healthier planet.

Can you help with team-building strategy and planning?

Yes, we offer consulting services to help you develop effective team-building strategies. Our experts work with you to understand your team dynamics, challenges, and goals. We then create a comprehensive plan that includes recommended activities, timelines, and expected outcomes. For example, we can design a year-long strategy incorporating various programmes like the Redkite ‘Family Champions’ and Farm Angels ‘Rain Makers’ projects. Our strategic approach ensures that your team-building efforts are aligned with your overall organisational objectives.

What if the weather is bad on the day of our outdoor event?

We have contingency plans in place and can offer alternative indoor activities if needed. For example, if inclement weather affects a shopping activity like Starlight Children’s Foundation’s ‘Sparklers’ event, we can switch to engaging online shopping  activities. Our flexible approach ensures that your team-building experience is not compromised by unforeseen weather conditions. We keep you informed and work with you to find the best solution.